As a devising artist, my laboratory work is heavily influenced by dance, movement and music. A lot of my work also deals with social justice theatre and I equally love using classical text and pop culture references to support strong imagery.

At Florida State I devised 4 productions

  1. Social Issues. Childhood Violence. As an early childhood educator I was interested in exploring true stories of the violence that kids experience today. We explored domestic emotional abuse, cyber-bullying, sex education, toxic masculinity and school shootings. See full piece below.
  2. Shakespeare Shortcuts. Taking the text of The Tempest and Henry VI, we devised entirely new plays surrounding MLK and Prospero as the villain.
  3. Requiem. Perhaps my strongest and best devising work of my life. Requiem explored the life cycle from every point of view, culture, and style.

Please see CV to see full list of devised work or email me to find out more about my devising process.